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Ralph Brown & Bob Brown

Ralph and Bob Brown are the current holders of the world record for the smallest powerboat to cross the Atlantic Ocean and are the hosts of the Amazon Prime TV show I Am Second Smallest Powerboat Crossing the Atlantic Ocean.

Related links:

Cross The
Amazon – I Am Second Voyage; Smallest Powerboat Crossing the Atlantic

Youtube – Small boat crosses Atlantic Unescorted

Gerben J. Goedhardt

Gerben J Goedhardt considers himself a classic liberal in the south of the Netherlands, Europe. He actively seeks news from US & Europe, and is a member of the CTM family. Gerban worked for the Dutch IRS and has been politically active for over a decade. Ran for City Representative twice. He is married with an almost two year old daughter, is 35 years old and a proud homeowner and has traveled frequently through parts of Western Europe and parts of the Arabic World.

Boat Party
by Jan Hammer

Nothing to Say
by  Jethro Tull

CTM News Stories March 1st 2019

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