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Former Police Officer Pete Tanzilli is with us tonight. He is originally from Boston, Massachusetts, and worked as a Security Police Officer in the United States Air Force at the age of 19 from 1997 through 2002. After that, he became a civilian Law Enforcement Officer from 2002 through 2016 and was shot in the line of duty during an attempted felony arrest. He was medically separated from the Laguna Tribal Police Department in March of 2019 due to being disabled and unable to return to work. He currently resides in Colorado with his wife and 12 year old step son and currently working for the family owned business called Officer Down-We Survived, which provides peer support to other victims of violent crime to include law enforcement, EMS, fire and civilians. Pete is also a public speaker sharing his xperiences and fight to recover from physical and emotional disabilities.

Related links:

Facebook: Officer Down – We Survived

Born & raised in the San Francisco Bay Area Lindsay Grathwohl is the youngest daughter of Larry Grathwohl – who wrote the book Bringing Down America, telling his story of being the only FBI informant to infiltrate the Weather Underground Organization. In 2008 Lindsay & her father worked hard to expose the truth of who Barack Obama is before he was elected as POTUS. Even after his election, they continued to expose the corruption.

After Larry’s untimely death in July of 2013 Lindsay has continued the fight, but has now taken it to the streets fighting domestic terror groups like Antifa. She has helped organize & participate in rally’s & marches all along the west coast – and has worked with Trevor Louden on his latest documentary series “America Under Siege: Antifa – Free Speech Dies Undefended”, where she discussed her involvement in the patriot movement and her direct experiences with Antifa & BAMN (By Any Means Necessary) . Lindsay is a homeschooling mom who works full time, an activist & freedom fighter.

Related links:

Facebook: Lindsay Grathwohl
Instagram: LDgrathwohl78
YouTube: Lindsay Danae Grathwohl
Twitter: @LindsayG197

A New Day Yesterday
by Jethro Tull

Warrior Concerto
by Glitch Mob


CTM News Stories May 17th 2019

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