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Tonight we are joined by returning guest Robyn Gritz to discuss corruption in the FBI and Dept. of Justice. She brings updates on McCabe and Comey regarding whether or not the FBI can overcome these issues. Since leaving federal service, she has become actively involved in exposing corruption in our federal government. Robyn Gritz was an FBI Supervisory Special Agent for more than 16 years, specializing in Counterterrorism, Overseas Abductions, and Weapons of Mass Destruction. She is currently working on her first book.
Related links:
GoFundMe – FighYouTube – Robyn Gritzt FBI corruption & fight for FBI Whistblowers
YouTube – Robyn Gritz
Twitter : @vabelle2010 Valiant_Defender
Paradise Warfare
by Carpenter Brut
For all the articles John B reads and download of the PDF please visit