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Two countries, one culture, the same problems: in this edition we welcome political and firearms rights activist Tony Bernardo, as we take an in-depth look at how falsehoods about firearms are perpetuated, and the “mass shooting” event in Portapique, Nova Scotia which included fake police vehicles being used by an assailant in a fake uniform; we take an in-depth look at how these events are used to whittle away rights, specifically as American’s as the First Amendment is protected by the Second, and what the  peaceful remedy is which people can implement. We also look at the progression of the Communist ideology reflected in both Canadian Parliament and how we in the U.S. can apply this knowledge to stay ahead of the inevitable overreach of big government.

Tony Bernardo is the executive director of the Canadian Sport Shooting Association. He is also a major part of the Canadian Institute of Legislative Action.


One of the Living
By Tina Turner


Related Links:

Canadian Shooting

Facebook Canadian Shooting Sports Association


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