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In tonight’s edition we discuss the Biden audio tapes being released, the millions of dollars that were laundered for the Obama administration, the extent of globalist control of the Ukraine, and the likelihood of a server holding copies of Hillary Clinton’s “lost” documents and more with author and former Air Force Special Operations Officer L. Todd Wood.
L. Todd Wood has reinvented himself for the third time after being at the heart of the U.S. Special Operations world and a long career on Wall Street. Now he thrills with real world experience via novels and journalism.
As a Special Operations pilot, L. Todd Wood flew missions for Seal Team 6 and Delta Force. He’s on a new mission now — to protect the American way of life and rescue it from the destructive grip of the socialist ideology that threatens its sovereignty and everything that makes this country great.
With his real-world experience in finance and national security, along with a passion for history, Todd sees and reports on threats to our nation, zeroing in on the warning signs of potential dangers.
L. Todd Wood is the Publisher of CD Media and has contributed to the Washington Times, One America News, Fox Business, The Moscow Times, Zero Hedge, The New York Post, Newsmax TV, The Jerusalem Post, and others. He splits his time between New York City, Washington D.C., and Europe. He also editor-in-chief of, an online news outlet focusing on the former Soviet territories and Eastern Europe, one of CD Media’s regional websites.
Myopic Void
By Captain Beyond
John B. Wells NewsFor all the articles John B reads, latest news and stories, visit