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Part 2
In tonight’s edition we welcome back to the Caravan prolific author James Perloff on the heels of his newest release, COVID-19 and the Agendas to Come, Red Pilled; we garner a deeper understanding of the Deep State agendas behind the crisis, the exaggerated virus death numbers, new information regarding the virus itself which is coming to light, and some hope and encouragement in these strange but exciting times.
James Perloff is author of The Shadows of Power, an exposé of the Council on Foreign Relations that has sold over 100,000 copies, and two books about the evidence against Darwin’s theory of evolution, including Tornado in a Junkyard. He wrote for The New American magazine for nearly three decades. His 2013 book, Truth Is a Lonely Warrior, is a comprehensive primer on the New World Order, supplemented by his 2019 book, Thirteen Pieces of the Jigsaw.
By Cream
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