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A gang of deadly narcissists are in our midst…knowledge of these people is your best weapon to avoid you, or your loved ones from being hurt by them. Tonight we welcome Dr. Anthony Hutchinson on board as we explore the condition of narcissism and its permeation that is evident in politicians and figureheads both domestically and globally.


By 2010, Dr. Anthony Hutchinson (“Doc H”), a newly designated Doctor of Psycho-Social Clinical Practice, was well on his way to becoming a leading Court-certified Psycho-Social Forensic Assessor as well as a nationally recognized, Judicially-qualified criminal street gang expert.


His leadership gifts later led to him directing a community wellness and development project and overseeing a multi- million dollar budget, to now operating a successful private practice and teaching at Tyndale University while also trying to get his book written in between classes and patient appointments.



Bottoms Up
By Van Halen



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