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In this edition we welcome back Nelson S. Thall to review the long, dark road to Dealy Plaza that fateful November day when President John F. Kennedy was assassinated. We also explore the remarkable link between how Prescott Bush trading with the Nazi enemy and the globalist big oil, Big Pharma, IBM and vaccine complex.


In 1991 Nelson Thall was the recipient of the Marshall McLuhan Distinguished Teachers Award and on May 7, 1996 represented the Writers Guild of Canada before the Canadian Artists and Producers Professional Relations Tribunal, writing the legal definition of terms such as ‘multimedia’ into law. 


President of the Marshall McLuhan Centre On Global Communications from 1990-1995, Nelson has also served on the Boards of Directors of Torstar Media, Stan Lee Media Inc., Peace Arch Films & Entertainment, and other publicly traded media companies.


By Pole Folder

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