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Part 2
In tonight’s edition we welcome back Dr. Scott Masson as we explore C.S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien, and their insights into the progressive degradation of life in the pursuit of power.
He is a tenured professor, former pastor, public intellectual and proud member of the Upper Mohawk band in Canada. Dr. Masson has lectured and written on a wide variety of topics and in various venues. Most however, seem to center upon the problems caused by departures from the Christian understanding of human nature.
Along with Dr. Bill Friesen, he hosts a weekly podcast called Paideia Today (also on YouTube) which is going through the Classic works of literature from the ancient world to the present. They are looking to establish an online Classical school for Sept 2021.
Surfing on a Rocket
By Air
John B. Wells NewsFor all the articles John B reads, latest news and stories, visit