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Part 1
Part 2

• Gary Miliefsky
(MY-LEFT-SKI) is an internationallyrecognized cybersecurityexpert, bestselling author, keynote speaker, CEO of cyber defense ventures and cyber defense media group, delivering daily cybersecurity news, tips,and information at cybersecuritymagazine.comfor consumer readers and cyberdefensemagazine.comfor businesses and us government readers. He isalso a founding member of the US Department of Homeland security and worked on the White House Plans to Secure Cyberspace. He iscurrently running his venture fund, media group and investing in US Veterans who are launching cybersecurity companies, here in America, with Pride.Gary is a true patriot, lover of freedom and humanityand as many of you know is now proudly banned on Facebook and LinkedIn for discussing the treasonous and criminalfraudulent election stolen from the real POTUS.