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Part 1
Part 2
• Tom Ziglar
Twitter: @tomziglar
Tom Ziglar has had the rare privilege of spending his entire life surrounded by world-class leaders, innovators, and motivators. Family dinner included the presence of the world’s TOP motivator, his father, Zig Ziglar. As a result, Tom’s arsenal of experience and information is absolutely unparalleled in the areas of; Positive thinking, living, working, playing and praying.
Regardless of our occupations and our roles in life, dealing effectively with adverse situations, including adverse people, is just one of the usable and valuable skill sets taught by the Ziglar organization. As many people in the professions of sales, customer service, and all others involving human relationships have come to learn; the teachings of the Ziglar family are tools that should be a part of every person’s life, who seeks to make theirs a better one.
As CEO of Ziglar, Inc., Tom Ziglar carries on the Ziglar philosophy:
“You can have everything in life you want… if you will just help enough other people get what they want.”
Tom’s book Choose to Win, published and released in March 2019, expands the Ziglar branding and philosophy to include the secret to winning at life, is one good choice at a time. A more productive, fulfilling, and meaningful life is available to those willing to follow his easy-to-implement sequence of making one small choice at a time through the time-tested seven key areas: mental, spiritual, physical, family, financial, personal, and career.
Tom speaks around the world to billion-dollar companies, small business owners, and prestigious academic institutions, including Cambridge and Harvard. Leadership, business, and performance are among Tom’s favored topics.
The Ziglar brand is more relevant today than ever. Ziglar has exceeded five million likes on Facebook, and The Ziglar Show has become one of the top-ranked business podcasts. In 2020 Tom conducted over 300 webinars and podcasts and launched the Ziglar Coaching System, licensing and equipping over 150 coaches to teach the Choose To Win and See You At The Top programs.
In times of unprecedented challenges upon us all, the world is hungry for inspiration, motivation, and hope. With Tom’s innovation, Ziglar has become the go-to resource!