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Author Robert O’Dowd reveals some disturbing yet compelling information with us tonight. He is a disabled Marine Corps veteran who served on active duty for 52 months with the 1st, 3rd and 4th Marine Aircraft Wings in the 1960s.  At Marine Corps Air Station El Toro, CA, he was assigned to Marine Wing Services Group 37, “Spook Corner,” the area where CIA proprietary C-130s, offloaded cocaine in the 1980s and 1990s.  After the Marines, Robert graduated from Temple University with a BBA in accounting.  He held several financial management positions with the Department of Defense, including Deputy Comptroller, Defense Contracts Management District (DCMD) Mid-Atlantic.  Retiring from the Defense Department, Robert teamed up with Tim King, Marine veteran and founder of, to write about the environmental contamination at US military bases, and the health effects to veterans unknowingly exposed to toxic chemicals and radiation. Robert survived four cancers and has polyneuropathy in both legs and arms and suffers from piriformis syndrome. Robert wrote several years as the Environmental and Military Reporter for (Salem, Oregon).  The environmental contamination story at El Toro led him to the sensational murder and government cover-up of Marine Colonel James E. Sabow, the sabotage of Arrow Air 1285, a military chartered DC 8, other murders and the trafficking of cocaine into El Toro, the fuel for the crack cocaine epidemic. You can write Robert at

Books Authored:
Treachery: Murder, Cocaine and the Lucifer Directive
by Robert O’Dowd, Revised February 2019 –
A Few Good Men, Too Many Chemicals: Toxic Exposure of U.S. Marines and Government Lies
by Robert O’Dowd, –

Related links:
National Security Blanket Hides Murders of US Military Personnel
Arrow Air 1285 Crash and Iran/Contra
Arrow Air 1285, Murder and the Lucifer Directive
Aborted Nuclear Mission and Murder
Guns and Cocaine and the Murders of U.S. Military
Murder of Marine Colonel Demands Justice
Arrow Air 1285 blown-up to prevent public disclosure of an aborted nuclear attack on Iraqi nuclear facility
Who Killed Colonel James E. Sabow, USMC?
Marine Veteran, Journalist Robert O’Dowd: Murder, Corruption CIA Drug Running

Cheryl Robbins is a survivor of the devastating Camp Fire of Paradise, CA last November of 2018 and shares her inside story along with some unsettling information. Cheryl spent her early childhood in Chicago Illinois and rural Indiana. Her father, who was a machinist, tool maker, and Iwo Jima Navy veteran, and mother, the first American born child of Lithuanian parents who fled Czarist Russia before the revolution in 1917, moved the family to San Jose California where she finished her grade school education and started college, married and had three children. As an Air Force family she, along with her husband and children lived throughout the Southwest and settled in the Far Northern college town of Chico California, where she lived for 32 years until 2015 when she moved to nearby Paradise, CA.

Related links:
Click here to support Angels Among Us Camp Fire Relief Efforts organized by Julz Statler
Magalia Community Church – Magalia, California – Facebook


Where Do We Go From Here
by Charles Bradley

Burning Down The House
by Talking Heads


CTM News Stories February 7th 2019

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