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Laurie Bonner-Nickless
Daughter of a USAF Captain, Laurie grew up on Air Force Bases around the US. Around the age of seven, Laurie fell in love with the lore and legends of Asia. She would go on to college where she earned degrees first in film making and later in television production. Actively pursuing a career as a free-lance writer and artist, Laurie eventually met & married her husband Mark Nickless, and thereafter spent several years working as an outdoor journalist and webmaster. All of this has added up to lead to what she is doing now, delving into some of the greatest unsolved mysteries of North America and the world, both the destruction and disappearance of one of the greatest civilizations of the Americas at Cahokia, and the abrupt, xenophobic retreat of Ming dynasty China inward from where it stood on the verge of becoming a world power. Her investigations into a largely forgotten manuscript from 1587 will forever change how we view the history of the Americas and that of the world before Columbus.
Related links:
Book: “To the Gates of Fengtu”, “Chasing Dragons, the true history of the Piasa” (with Mark Nickless, spouse)
Charles Pixley
Charles Pixley is a Member of the QArmy, and 70 years young. He is a Vietnam Vet, of two tours, a perennial student of scriptures from Bhagavad Gita, Bible, Tao, Quran, and over 25 years study of the Healing Arts. Founder and Chair of First Citizen Organized Institutional Review Board, IRB, Chief Investigators, Dietmar Schildwaechter, MD, PhD, and Robert Atkins, MD, and 10 others, to make available the knowledge and access to life saving cures for cancer. Appeared on over 250 national talk radio programs. Built network of over 4,000 doctors around the country. Appointed Director of the Association of Eclectic Physicians in 1996. Charles was incarcerated for making available knowledge and access to a non-toxic cure for cancer blocked by FDA, and Blood Tests which can prediagnose two years before onset.
Related links:
Beyond Borders
by Diane Arkenstone
by Welshly Arms
NEWSCTM News Stories March 20th 2019