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In tonight’s edition we witness a world view from down under, as we discuss hidden history, architectural anomalies, geographic phenomena, and the potential role Covid-19 plays in a mystical cycle, with the one and only Max Igan.
Max is a worldly traveler, film maker, author, informational podcaster, and a researcher of many things including; “authentic” history, archaeological “logic”, geographic “relocation” and several other topics that relate to the simple, yet highly detailed premise of “Things aren’t what they seem”. He’s had a busy life and lives it near Brisbane Australia amidst a paradise of tropical birds, exotic animals and many other of God’s gifts to man. Despite his idyllic settings, Max is highly attuned to the shadowy goings on within the New World Order and their apparent ambitions involving Covid-19 as a cover story. His perceptions and themes of interest include a “chilling” narrative about the relationship between our present state and what may be a coming change in our state of matter due to a solar minimum and that’s not the ‘Climate change’ Greta Thunberg has been trying to distract us with…
Montego Bay Spleen
By St. Germaine
John B. Wells NewsFor all the articles John B reads, latest news and stories, visit