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Part 1
Part 2
In tonight’s news segment friend of the caravan Randall Terry guest host’s for John B. from the road where he is leading an activism push against Democratic Presidential Candidate Joe Biden and his anti-pro life stance. Randall shares with us videos recorded at Biden’s home “Protesting at Biden’s Home Day 1” as well as at Bishop Malooly’s HOUSE (Biden’s Bishop).
Then we are joined by long time guest to Caravan to Midnight, Matt Bracken to discuss a range of topics from the upcoming 2020 elections, the mainstream media, the Democrats and the FBI, to BLM and Antifa, and the current pandemic.
Our video of the interview segment will be available as soon as all updates to the new website are completed.
Related Links:
Protesting at Biden’s Home Day 1, Thursday October 1st
At Bishop Malooly’s HOUSE (Biden’s Bishop)
John B. Wells NewsFor all the articles John B reads, latest news and stories, visit