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Part 1
Part 2

• Ben Davidson
Do you remember ever visiting the Bookmobile as a kid, maybe even as an adult? Walking into a mobile library full of those very important things we call books?
We do remember libraries, don’t we? Some people might like us and our future generations to forget them… The Bookmobile was much like a food truck for the mind to nourish our appetite for intelligence, research, knowledge, and learning…
Some people have even taken the concept of mobile educational access a step further by providing seekers of knowledge about our Sun and our galaxy a firsthand telescopic view into the heavens.
Ben Davidson has been releasing world and space news on the
Suspicious0bservers YouTube channel daily, since 2011. It has since been providing a brief but very in-depth analysis on solar-terrestrial physics for a decade.
In 2014, he and his wife Kat ran the Mobile Observatory Project- traversing interstates, back roads and Main Streets, attending 75 events in 41 states and 4 Canadian provinces. They have run a series of conferences, and published books including ‘Weatherman’s Guide to the Sun’, the Kira and Lulu Children’s’ science books, and the latest, ‘The Next End of the World: The Rebirth of Catastrophic’.
Their current project is developing Observer Ranch, a campground and learning center in southern Colorado- learn more and be a part of this project at