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Part 1
Part 2

• Ana Garner
Ana Garner is an attorney in New Mexico who has been representing people for
40 years. She graduated with a Bach of Science in Biology as a pre-med major, before attending University of NM Law School. She has much courtroom experience with medical malpractice, personal injury, FDA device litigation, and more recently as a foreclosure defense attorney for homeowners in foreclosure.
She felt called by God to begin fighting for the return of our freedoms which were destroyed during the COVID-19 crisis. She is well-researched and is very aware of the underlying agendas of the current restrictions and vaccine mandates.
She has filed 2 lawsuits in New Mexico (along with Jonathan Diener of NM cocounsel) and Thomas Renz of Ohio who filed the first lawsuit challenging the state of public health emergency. The most recent case was filed on behalf of
Isaac Legaretta, a Las Cruces Detention officer, who challenges the mandate that all first responders must have the C-19 vax or risk being terminated.