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• Kevin Shipp
Twitter: @Kevin_Shipp
Facebook: From The Company Of Shadows…?
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Kevin Shipp, former Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Officer, intelligence, and counter-terrorism expert, held several high-level positions in the CIA.
His assignments included protective agent for the Director of the CIA, counterintelligence investigator searching for moles inside the CIA, overseas counter-terrorism operations officer, internal security investigator, assistant team leader for the antiterrorism tactical assault team, chief of training for the CIA federal police force and polygraph examiner.
Mr. Shipp was the senior program manager for the Department of State, Diplomatic Security, Anti-Terrorism Assistance global police training program.
He is the recipient of two CIA Meritorious Unit Citations, three Exceptional Performance Awards, and a Medallion for high-risk overseas operations. He holds a master’s degree in forensic psychophysiology.
Mr. Shipp is the author of the best-selling book, From the Company of Shadows – an expose’ on CIA operations and the abuse of government secrecy. Mr. Shipp has come out to expose what he calls, “The Shadow Government,” the massive system of secrecy and corruption that controls the elected US government behind the scenes. His speeches have received standing ovations.