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Paul Kasprzycki

Mathematical proof evidencing a mysterious group of people working continuously in secret for over a thousand years directing the evolution of humanities systems of weights and measures to conform to a geometric system known only to themselves. Independently I had stumbled upon this unknown system of geometry over 3 decades prior to my finding it in the weight quantities of America’s original gold and silver coinage. This was the doorway that when opened led me to see this same geometry behind the rest of our measures of weight as well as lengths, areas, and volumes! Long ago I came to call what I thought was “my” own original system The Geometry of Form.

“I graduated from USC in 1969 with a degree in ancient history (Phi Beta Kappa; Magna Cum Laude). I loved it and wanted to teach it at the college level but decided to take a year off to sail as a navigator to Hawaii aboard a fine yacht. This led to a 15-year odyssey throughout much of the Eastern Pacific ocean spending the last ten years aboard my own vessel “Godot”. I married along the way and had our two children while still cruising, chartering the boat, and commercial fishing. By this time I had discovered the mystery of the number symbols which was like a hook to a fish. I couldn’t shake it and the more I looked into it, the more mysteries came into view.”

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