Featured Guests
Laura Loomer | James Wesley Rawles
Laura Loomer
Peter Barry Chowka is in his 58th year of reporting on national news… read more
James Wesley Rawles
Darrell Y. Hamamoto, Ph.D. is a professor emeritus at the University of California… read more
Ark Midnight 129 - Laura Loomer & James W. Rawles
Dec 08, 2018
Ark Midnight 129 – Laura Loomer & James W. Rawles – Hr 1
Ark Midnight 129 – Laura Loomer & James W. Rawles – Hr 2
Ark Midnight 129 – Laura Loomer & James W. Rawles – Hr 3
• Laura Loomer & James W Rawles
Laura Loomer will be discussing her Twitter suspension, weaponized media & the NYC/handcuffing to Twitters offices.
James W Rawles will be discussing “America 2020” what can we expect with a second Trump Administration/ what can we expect with a Democratic win. Preparedness for civil unrest like we see in Paris. Preparedness for natural disasters like recent CA wildfires.
Laura Loomer’s Website:
James W Rawles’s Website: