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Stewart Rhodes | Jeff Yago
Stewart Rhodes
Darrell Y. Hamamoto, Ph.D. is a professor emeritus at the University of California… read more
Jeff Yago
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Ark Midnight 137 - Stewart Rhodes & Jeff Yago
Feb 02, 2019
Ark Midnight 137 – Stewart Rhodes & Jeff Yago – Hr 1
Ark Midnight 137 – Stewart Rhodes & Jeff Yago – Hr 2
Ark Midnight 137 – Stewart Rhodes & Jeff Yago – Hr 3
• Stewart Rhodes & Jeff Yago
Join us this Saturday night February 2, 2019 for Ark Midnight with your Host, John B Wells at 9:00pm CST.
John B hosts the first hour with news, analysis and commentary followed by Stewart Rhodes, Founder of Oath Keepers. Stewart is on the ground in Covington, Kentucky.
John and he will provide a breakdown of one of the biggest stories of January 2019 “The Covington Kids.”
At 10:30pm CST we are pleased to welcome Jeff Yago, author of “Lights On” (WND Books). Jeff and John B will discuss the more-dangerous-than-ever threat of multiple grid down scenarios from electro magnetic pulse (EMP) to coronal mass ejection (CME) and asymmetric warfare.
Jeff Yago will discuss preventative measures and how to obtain a proper level of preparedness.
Stewart Rhodes’s Website:
Jeff Yago’s Website: