Featured Guests
Julio Rivera | Irvin Baxter
Julio Rivera
Peter Barry Chowka is in his 58th year of reporting on national news… read more
Irvin Baxter
Darrell Y. Hamamoto, Ph.D. is a professor emeritus at the University of California… read more
Ark Midnight 139 - Julio Rivera & Irvin Baxter
Feb 16, 2019
Ark Midnight 139 – Julio Rivera & Irvin Baxter – Hr 1
Ark Midnight 139 – Julio Rivera & Irvin Baxter – Hr 2
Ark Midnight 139 – Julio Rivera & Irvin Baxter – Hr 3
• Julio Rivera & Irvin Baxter
First up: a mission critical hour of news analysis and commentary followed by Julio Rivera and Irvin Baxter in hour three. Julio Rivera is a business and political strategist, columnist and Editorial Director for Reactionary Times. He can be seen on Fox News, Newsmax TV and outlets across America. A self-described ‘reformed Democrat,’ he became a staunch supporter of conservative policy and politicians in response to the lawlessness and fiscal irresponsibility of the Obama administration.
In the private sector, he founded J & MYR Consulting, while in the political world he has been an operative for congressional, senatorial and presidential campaigns over the past several years. His columns have been featured at websites including Breitbart, The Hill, Independent Journal Review, Newsmax, The Washington Times, LifeZette, The Washington Examiner, American Thinker, The Toronto Sun and PJ Media. To read one of Mr Rivera’s recent think-pieces click here.
Julio Rivera’s Website:
Irvin Baxter is the founder and president of Endtime Ministries. He is an internationally syndicated television and radio host, author, publisher, and prophecy teacher. Irvin is also the publisher of Endtime magazine and founder of the Jerusalem Prophecy College. John Wells and Mr Baxter will peel back the layers on: 5G Technology, Bible Prophecy in today’s news headlines.
Irvin Baxter’s Website: