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Dr. Thierry Vrain
Dr. Thierry Vrain
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Ark Midnight 145 - with Dr. Thierry Vrain
Mar 30, 2019
Ark Midnight 145 – Hr 1
Ark Midnight 145 – Hr 2
Ark Midnight 145 – Hr 3
• Mary Holland
Dr. Thierry Vrain
this Saturday Evening March 30th, 2019 at 9:00 PM CST on Ark Midnight, hosted by John B Wells.
Join John B. in hour one for news and commentary, then in hour’s two & three John B. will be speaking with Dr. Thierry Vrain about Glyphosate, GMO crops, GMO’s & Cancer and much more.
Don’t miss this one, it is going to be a very informative show!
Dr. Thierry Vrain’s Website: