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Jack Sen

Jack Sen

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Ark Midnight 16 - “Global Communism” Beyond America & how it affects YOU

Sep 24, 2016


“Global Communism” Beyond America & how it affects YOU

 Jack Sen

In what reporters at the BBC, Independent, ITV and Channel 4 referred to as the controversy of the 2015 General Election – was suspended by UKIP for Tweeting his displeasure at a local Labour MP’s repeated pandering to foreign interests. The popular Prospective Member of Parliament’s actions caused such a stir that Nigel Farage held a press conference on ITV to express his ’embarrassment’ before suspending Mr Sen. In How to Get Suspended from UKIP & the BNP in 10 Articles and 2 Tweets, the former UKIP parliamentary candidate for West Lancashire argues his removal from Farage’s party with less than one week to go in his parliamentary campaign, together with the fact that ‘Nigel Farage made a secret pact with the mainstream media and banksters to subvert genuine British Nationalism’, demonstrate that UKIP is willing to put foreign and business interests above British ones. Jack’s book with its hard hitting political analysis, insider anecdotes and compilation of essays penned by Britain and America’s foremost nationalists – former Members of European Parliament, Andrew Brons and Nick Griffin among others – exposes UKIP as an establishment safety valve, as much as it entertains. From exposing shenanigans at the UKIP leadership conference to his turbulent relationship with the party and Nigel Farage, Sen pulls no punches.

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