Featured Guests

Joe Flynn | Gary Varvel

Joe Flynn

Peter Barry Chowka is in his 58th year of reporting on national news… read more

Gary Varvel

Darrell Y. Hamamoto, Ph.D. is a professor emeritus at the University of California… read more

Ark Midnight 175 - Joe Flynn & Gary Varvel

Oct 26, 2019

• Joe Flynn and Gary Varvel

Join host John B. Wells aboard the Mothership for the first hour as he discusses news & current events in today’s headlines.

Joe Flynn joins John B. to give as an update on the legal status of Lt. General Michael T. Flynn’s current pending case. Then we welcome Gary Varvel, a Christian, conservative, cartoonist and speaker. Gary speaks about Cartooning and dealing with critics in this time of political correctness, film projects he has been a part of, as well as the state of the political cartoonist scene today.

During his 40-year career, Varvel won numerous awards including the National Headliners Award, Robert F. Kennedy Journalism Award and many more.

Gary is the author of ‘Drawing The Right Way — A Conservative Cartoonist’s View Of The World’.


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