Featured Guests

Mark Taylor | Kacey Thornton

Mark Taylor

Peter Barry Chowka is in his 58th year of reporting on national news… read more

Kacey Thornton

Darrell Y. Hamamoto, Ph.D. is a professor emeritus at the University of California… read more

Ark Midnight 179 - Mark Taylor & Kacey Thornton

Nov 23, 2019

• Mark Taylor and Kacey Thornton

First up – Mark Taylor

Author of the book called the Trump prophecies, which was turned into a movie called The Trump prophecy, which was based on the true story of the book.

Next – Kacey Thornton

His debut album First Dance, Stocked full of authentic identity and unforgettable hooks – Kasey Thornton Band aka “KTB” is more than ready to make their mark. He’s ready to lead the way to resurgence & of timeless sound.

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