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Peter Barry Chowka | Nick Bryant

Peter Barry Chowka

Peter Barry Chowka is in his 58th year of reporting on national news… read more

Nick Bryant

Darrell Y. Hamamoto, Ph.D. is a professor emeritus at the University of California… read more

Ark Midnight 203 - Cover-up to Justice

May 09, 2020

• Cover-up to Justice

Peter Chowka

Nick Bryant

Peter Chowka After more than a month of this crisis, we’re at a potential turning point.  Do we continue in total shutdown/lockdown mode, or (as Pres Trump and a growing number of Americans prefer) do we start to let common sense prevail, achieve some necessary balance, and preserve our country and our way of life? Peter continues to write original reporting and analysis for American Thinker dot com. He’s been given a weekly spot for his reporting on the Barry Farber Show. (Barry Farber is #9 on the Talkers Magazine list of the most influential radio talk show hosts of all time and is in his 60th year of broadcasting with a M-F evening talk show on CRN Digital Talk.) After several appearances in recent years on BBC Television (based in London — the largest international broadcaster), Peter was asked for his permission this past week by the BBC to be on their list of experts in U.S. political analysis who can be called on to appear as guests on BBC Television. Peter has reported on national politics for five decades and in the past covered presidential primaries in New Hampshire, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, California and New York from on the ground.

Nick Bryant is an author who lives in New York City. He spent seven years investigating a coast-to-coast child trafficking network and authored The Franklin Scandal: A Story of Powerbrokers, Child Abuse, & Betrayal. He has also investigated the Jeffrey Epstein network, and he published Epstein’s ‘Little Black Book’ on the Internet in 2015, four years before the case broke nationally. Bryant has contributed a chapter on child trafficking to Global Perspectives on Dissociative Disorders: Individual and Societal Oppression, a book addressing various facets of dissociative disorders, featuring chapters from an international panel of psychiatrists and psychologists.

He also presented at the International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation’s international convention last year, and he will be presenting at this year’s upcoming ISSTD convention in San Francisco. He has contributed an article on child trafficking to USA Today Magazine. Stop the cover-up. Demand justice for Jeffrey Epstein’s victims


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