Featured Guests
Craig Sawyer | Reba Sherrill | Trey Smith
Craig Sawyer
Peter Barry Chowka is in his 58th year of reporting on national news… read more
Reba Sherrill
Darrell Y. Hamamoto, Ph.D. is a professor emeritus at the University of California… read more
Trey Smith
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Ark Midnight 204 - Behind the Masks
May 23, 2020
Behind the Masks – Hr 1
Behind the Masks – Hr 2
Behind the Masks – Hr 3
• Behind the Masks
Craig ‘Sawman’ Sawyer Marine, Navy SEAL, Federal Law Enforcement Agent & Manager, Founder of Veterans For Child Rescue (non-profit org) Craig Randall ‘Sawman’ Sawyer is a Marine veteran, former Navy SEAL, sniper, combat instructor. Sawyer is the owner of Tactical Insider, which brings technical advice on weapons and combat to Hollywood films and actors.
Sawyer began his military career with the U.S. Vets 4 ChildRescue.org
Reba Sherrill is running for Congress in President Trump’s home district! She is fighting for Healthcare, Education, Homelessness, Gun Rights, and Guardianship Abuse. As a mom, she has traveled extensively and worked with people on every continent with the exception of Antarctica. She is tenacious and ready to work for the citizens of Fl-21! FB : Vote RebaForCongress
Trey Smith is the founder of the God in a Nutshell project & has also produced some of the most controversial documentaries on the internet, and/or (likely) also on the globe. Many of Trey Smith’s documentaries on subjects ranging from the debunked evidence of Noah and the flood to the secrets of the book of Enoch to the Nephilim, to exposing the occult, etc, etc, etc…. have touched the hearts and minds of millions around the globe — from the US to the deepest parts of many oppressive third world nations.