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Host Peter Barry Chowka
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Peter Barry Chowka
Peter Barry Chowka is in his 58th year of reporting on national news… read more
Todd Michael Hall
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Ark Midnight 215 - Education vs Indoctrination - Peter Chowka Live
Aug 08, 2020
Education vs Indoctrination – Peter Chowka Live – Hr 1
Education vs Indoctrination – Peter Chowka Live – Hr 2
Education vs Indoctrination – Peter Chowka Live – Hr 3
• Peter Barry Chowka
Peter Chowka has worked as an investigative journalist in a variety of media — including print, radio, television, and documentary films — for the past five decades. His areas of expertise include probing on the ground reporting of national politics, the politics and economics of modern medicine, and promising innovative alternative medical treatments.
His work was recognized by the National Institutes of Health, which appointed Peter to two of the first advisory panels of the Office of Alternative Medicine during its launch in 1992. Since 2017, Peter has contributed over 200 articles on politics, socialism, Antifa, the media, and other subjects to American Thinker dot com. Recently, he was invited to be a regular contributor to the BBC — the largest broadcaster in the world — where he has appeared seven times in recent months on BBC television and radio to offer live reporting and analysis from the United States for the BBC’s huge mainstream international audience.
• Alex Newman
Alex Newman is an award-winning international journalist, educator, author, speaker, investor, and consultant. He writes for The New American magazine, Epoch Times, Liberty Sentinel, and many other publications. Alex serves as the president of Liberty Sentinel Media, Inc. In addition to serving as president of Liberty Sentinel Media, Inc, he has written for a wide array of publications in the United States and abroad.
Facebook: @alexjnewman86
• Todd Michael Hall
Todd Michael Hall is an American singer and songwriter who has been performing in bands since he was 15 years old. On the non-musical side of his life, Todd is a devoted husband and father of three, as well as the president of Glastender, Inc., a 200+ employee firm manufacturing equipment for the food service industry. Todd’s first studio recordings were with his band Harlet, with the most notable release being their independent release called “25 Gets A Ride” in 1988.
He has released albums with Pulling Teeth, Burning Starr, Reverence, and Riot V. In 2013, Todd joined the remaining members of Riot, when they decided to forge ahead in the wake of the death of founding member Mark Reale. Out of respect for Mark and as a way to mark the fifth chapter of Riot, Donnie Van Stavern and Mike Flyntz decide to alter the name of the band to Riot V (pronounced Riot Five). Todd has so far released two studio albums with Riot V – Unleash the Fire (2014) and Armor Of Light (2018) as well as two live albums – Live At Keep It True Festival (2018) and Live In Japan (2019). Since joining Riot V, Todd has played many live shows throughout the United States, Europe, South American, and Japan.
Facebook: @toddmichaelhallsolo