Featured Guests

Peter Barry Chowka | Dr. Darrell Hamamoto

Peter Barry Chowka

Peter Barry Chowka is in his 58th year of reporting on national news… read more

Dr. Darrell Hamamoto

Darrell Y. Hamamoto, Ph.D. is a professor emeritus at the University of California… read more

Ark Midnight 245 – Operation Mandela Effect

Mar 06, 2021

• Peter Barry Chowka
Twitter: @pchowka

Peter Barry Chowka is in his 58th year of reporting on national news, the politics of health care, alternative medicine, popular culture, and the media. Over the years, his articles have appeared in a wide variety of publications, most recently at American Thinker and The Epoch Times.

Peter often appears as an expert guest in the media, including as a regular contributor to the BBC and also on One America News and Fox News.

• Darrell Y. Hamamoto, PhD
Twitter: @Drserizawa

Darrell Y. Hamamoto, Ph.D. is a professor emeritus at the University of California, Davis, and currently writes, produces, and performs a show seen currently on YouTube titled Professor Hamamoto. He appears each Thursday on McDuff_Lives with host John O’Loughlin and investigative journalist George Webb.

Professor Hamamoto currently is completing a book on murder and mayhem in US universities that draws from his expertise in the field he has pioneered: New World Order Theory. He is a returning guest on Ark Midnight and once more is delighted to share with its discerning audience a brand-new set of provocative insights.

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