Featured Guests
Pastor Carl Gallups | Luis Antonio Miguel | L. A. Marzulli
Pastor Carl Gallups
Peter Barry Chowka is in his 58th year of reporting on national news… read more
Luis Antonio Miguel
Darrell Y. Hamamoto, Ph.D. is a professor emeritus at the University of California… read more
L. A. Marzulli
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Ark Midnight 249 - Prophecy vs Deep State
Apr 03, 2021
Prophecy vs Deep State – Hr 1
Prophecy vs Deep State – Hr 2
Prophecy vs Deep State – Hr 3
• Pastor Carl Gallups
Senior Pastor of Hickory Hammock Baptist Church in Milton, Florida since 1987. He is an internationally acclaimed Amazon TOP-60 bestselling author of numerous books, and a conservative radio talk show host since 2002 (ADX Communication Broadcast Group Dedicated Live Stream, plus… airing on 1620 AM / 92.3 FM / originating in Pensacola, Fla.) He is the host of two shows – Ask the Preacher with Pastor Carl Gallups, and his flagship show, Freedom Friday with Carl Gallups – the Oval Office of Gulf Coast Talk Radio.
Pastor Gallups is a former decorated Florida law enforcement officer, having served with two different sheriff’s offices under three different sheriff’s administrations. He was the recipient of the Law Enforcement Officer of the Year Award – twice – once in each of the two sheriff’s offices for which he worked. He received a commendation of valor as well as two commendations of meritorious service. He was also given an award by a regional chapter of the NAACP for risking his life in the line of duty after going into a burning apartment complex to pull several occupants out to safety. Carl was Florida’s very first 18-year-old Corrections Officer with the Florida Dept. of Corrections. In some of the last years of his law enforcement-oriented career, he served as the Assistant to the Administrator of the Bureau of Admissions and Release Authority with the Florida Dept. of Corrections Central Office at Tallahassee, FL.
Carl is a graduate of Florida State University (B.Sc.), The New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary (M.Div.), and the Florida Law Enforcement Officer Training Academy (including several law-enforcement and investigations specialty training classes). Carl serves on the Board of Regents with the University of Mobile, in Mobile, Alabama – since 2000.
Carl is a frequent guest on numerous television and radio programs. He is also a popular Bible and Prophecy conference speaker. Carl opened the Donald Trump for President Rally in Pensacola, FL in January 2016. This was then-candidate Trump’s very first Florida Rally. He was also deputized, in 2016, as a Special Deputy by Sheriff Joe Arpaio, formerly of the Maricopa County Arizona Sheriff’s Office. CARL SAYS: My passion in life is to faithfully advance the Kingdom of Jesus Christ, equipping believers to be faithful ambassadors of that Kingdom work. We are living in the most profoundly prophetic times since the first coming of Jesus Christ. I am striving to wake up the church-at-large to this biblical truth.
• Luis Antonio Miguel
Twitter: @LuisMiguelUS
Luis Miguel is a writer whose journalistic endeavors shed light on the Deep State, the immigration crisis, and the enemies of freedom. Follow his exploits on Facebook, Twitter, Bitchute, and at luisantoniomiguel.com.
He is a writer and contributor for The New American magazine. He is also a Republican leader and community activist.
Luis is currently in the running for US Senate against Marco Rubio in Florida.
• L. A. Marzulli
To rent the DVDs: https://streaming.lamarzulli.net/?
Twitter: @lamarzulli
L. A. Marzulli is an author, lecturer, and filmmaker. He has penned twelve books including The Nephilim Trilogy which made the CBA best sellers list.
Based on his work on the trilogy, L.A. received an honorary doctorate from his mentor Dr. I. D. E. Thomas, who was the Provost at Pacific International University.
He was also honored with the Gold Medallion award from Chuck Missler at the K-House conference in 2014.
His book series On the Trail of the Nephilim vols I & II are full-color, over-sized volumes that reveal startling evidence of a massive cover-up of what he believes to be the remains of the Nephilim, the giants mentioned in the Bible.
L. A. teamed up with film producer Richard Shaw to create The Watchers series which grew to an eleven-episode catalog. One of those installments, Watchers 7: UFO Physical Evidence, won both the “UFO Best Film” and “People’s Choice Award” at the UFO Congress in 2014.
Marzulli created a “team” that legally extracted material for DNA testing from the enigmatic elongated skulls found in Peru. The results will be released in Episode #6 of the On the Trail series in late 2020.
L.A. released his first independent film in March of 2017, the first installment of a new series, The Watchman Chronicles, titled In Their Own Words: UFOs are Real! This hard-hitting expose, on the burgeoning UFO phenomena, is geared toward the skeptic and is a wake-up call to what Marzulli calls, T.