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Anthony Patch

Anthony Patch

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Ark Midnight 27 - Part 1 - DisCERNment or Deception with Anthony Patch

Dec 10, 2016


DisCERNment or Deception with Anthony Patch – Part 1

Anthony Patch will be joining us live in studio this evening!

Researcher, Author & Speaker, Anthony is best known for his extensive, leading-edge and revelatory research focused upon the work being done in Geneva Switzerland with the Large Hadron Collider, part of the CERN organization. Specifically, as these experiments, and science itself, relate to Bible prophecy.

2 published books of science fiction: Covert Catastrophe (2013); 2048: Diamonds In The Rough (2014); and, non-Fiction; Revising Reality: A Biblical Look into the Cosmos (Volume 1) (2016). Over 400 hours of interviews to date.

Research Fields (25 years) Physics (CERN), Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Religion, Philosophy.
Attended U.C. Berkeley on full scholarship, swimming, Olympic-class.

3 years U.S. Army, Military Police (Nuclear Surety, Accident Investigator) and Field Medic
27 years, Paramedic, Oakland, CA (retired 1998).
Anthony Patch is a retired Paramedic, working in Oakland, CA for 27 years in the private sector emergency services. For over 25 years, he has been researching in the fields of physics, cosmology, biology, computer science and theology. Since the publication of his first two novels in a trilogy, Covert Catastrophe and 2048: Diamonds in the Rough, he is now a well-known author and speaker.

He is heard regularly on Caravan To Midnight, Hagmann and Hagmann, Truth Frequency Radio, Face Like the Sun, End Times Matrix News, and Richard Hoagland, as well as many others. With over 400 hours of interviews, he is heard several times weekly around the world.

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