Featured Guests

Host John B. Wells

Richard Urso | Lee Merritt | Bryan Adris | Pierre Kory | Mary Fanning

Dr. Richard Urso

Dr. Bryan Adris

Dr. Pierre Kory

Ark Midnight 283 - The Fortnight Intelligence Briefing - Medical Edition

Nov 27, 2021


• Dr. Richard Urso
Website: www.globalcovidsummit.org
Twitter: @richardursomd

• Dr. Lee Merrit
Website: www.drleemerritt.com
Telegram: Freedom Doc

• Dr. Bryan Ardis
Website: www.thedrardisshow.com
Telegram: The Dr. Ardis Show
Rumble: The Dr. Ardis Show

• Dr. Pierre Kory
Website: www.covid19criticalcare.com

• Mary Fanning
Website: www.theamericanreport.org
Twitter: @realMaryFanning
Facebook: @TheAmericanReport

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