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Stacy C. Notley
Stacy C. Notley
Darrell Y. Hamamoto, Ph.D. is a professor emeritus at the University of California… read more
Ark Midnight 82 - with Stacy C. Notley
Jan 13, 2018
Ark Midnight 82 – with Stacy C. Notley – Hr 1
Ark Midnight 82 – with Stacy C. Notley – Hr 2
Ark Midnight 82 – with Stacy C. Notley – Hr 3
• Stacy C. Notley
Topic: Only SUCCESSFUL People – Have Financial/Credit Problems!
Author of Credit Solutions® and the soon to be released Plastic Surgery & 99 Other Ways to Handle Credit Cards®, a humorous look at credit card problems and ways to resolve those problems.
Mr. Notley is known to thousands as ‘The Credit Guy®’ from his radio shows Your Money on Target and Money Matters. In addition, he has appeared on ABC, CBS and NBC television, been heard nationally on “American Scene”, quoted in numerous publications, and is the creator of the popular, “Comedy Credit Clinic™”, and the workshop, SEX, STRESS & MONEY – For Women Only! (different ways men and women view and handle finances).
STACY C. NOTLEY, President of THE MANNING GROUP, INC. (Founded 1983), has over 20 years of experience in Credit & Debt Management, with an outstanding record of accomplishments – helping individuals and families, establish, re-establish and maintain personal credit. He is a sought-after consultant for CEO’s and senior management, and well-known pro-athletes, for credit coaching sessions.