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S. Douglas Woodward
S. Douglas Woodward
Darrell Y. Hamamoto, Ph.D. is a professor emeritus at the University of California… read more
Ark Midnight 88 - with S. Douglas Woodward
Feb 24, 2018
Ark Midnight 88 – with S. Douglas Woodward – Hr 1
Ark Midnight 88 – with S. Douglas Woodward – Hr 2
Ark Midnight 88 – with S. Douglas Woodward – Hr 3
• S. Douglas Woodward
THE NEXT GREAT WAR IN THE MIDDLE EAST Russia Prepares to Fulfill the Prophecy of Gog and Magog
Doug Woodward currently writes on theological topics and teaches entrepreneurship at a major university in Oklahoma. He has been a high-tech executive with over 40 years’ experience as a management consultant and advisor to Fortune 500 companies, as well as start-ups, and rapid-growing emerging companies.
During this period, Woodward also researched extensively topics which touch on geopolitics and Bible prophecy. Concurrently, based upon his study over the past 8 years, Woodward has written 14 books while contributing to four others. His most recent works are The Revealing (co-authored with Gary Huffman,) and Revising Reality (co-authored with Anthony Patch, Gonzo Shimura, and Josh Peck).
Woodward’s topics of interest include American spiritual history, eschatology, and geopolitics. Among his books on geopolitics, are The Next Great War in the Middle East and The Final Babylon (co-authored with Douglas Krieger and Dene McGriff). The Final Babylon is a best-selling work analyzing America’s place in Bible Prophecy. His encyclopedic study of America’s spiritual history and paranormal obsession, Power Quest—Books One and Two (over 200,000 words) are regarded as the “go to guide” on the subjects. An earlier work, Decoding Doomsday, focuses on the history of Apocalypticism. His book, Blood Moon analyzes authentic signs in the Bible contrasted with today’s obsessive “date setting.”