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David Valcich | Ole Dammegard
David Valcich
Darrell Y. Hamamoto, Ph.D. is a professor emeritus at the University of California… read more
Ole Dammegard
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Ark Midnight 96 - David Valcich & Ole Dammegard
Apr 21, 2018
Ark Midnight 96 – David Valcich & Ole Dammegard – Hr 1
Ark Midnight 96 – David Valcich & Ole Dammegard – Hr 2
Ark Midnight 96 – David Valcich & Ole Dammegard – Hr 3
• David Valcich
David Valcich will be discussing The Reclamation Movement
About David Valcich In recent years, David Valcich has served as a Campus Rep at the University of Virginia for Fellowship of Christian Athletes and led a local men’s ministry in the community of Charlottesville, VA. Back in 2006, David came to faith in a hospital bed with renal failure.
At 30 years old, he was facing a life of kidney dialysis, Hepatitis C, and liver complications as the result of a third drug overdose which nearly took his life. It was then that he cried out to God with a broken spirit and a repentant heart! The Lord in His great mercy heard David’s cry and healed him the very morning he was scheduled to begin dialysis treatments. Later that year, on Christmas morning 2006, David surrendered his life completely to Jesus Christ which led to him being delivered and set free from drugs and alcohol after a life of pain, suffering, misery, and despair. Having made a commitment to God to live the rest of his life for Him, David went off to a faith-based program to be discipled and learn more about God’s Word and evangelism. It was while sharing the gospel with a homeless man on a Greyhound bus that the Lord introduced David to Esther, the wonderful women from India who would become his wife and partner for life! With one daughter now, and married for 8 years, David has continued to serve in men’s ministry, college ministry, sports ministry, and community outreach.
Over the past several years, he has had the opportunity to serve the Lord in various capacities alongside Coach Joe Gibbs & James Thrash of the Washington Redskins, Pat Robertson, Dick Foth, University of Virginia’s Football Chaplain, and to partner with Campus Crusades for Christ, the Center for Christian Study, Intervarsity, and Chi-Alpha. Recently, his testimony aired on the 700 Club at which time Pat Robertson invited the viewers to pray to receive Christ. There were 145 salvations and 131 rededications to live for Christ recorded by Christian Broadcasting Network that day and it has since been viewed over 50,000 times online… All Glory to God! David has also been a guest on The Schilling Show, Impact for God, and Everyday Faith discussing various topics related to God’s Word, Bible prophecy, and the authentic life-changing power of Jesus Christ. He is passionate about sharing the gospel of the Kingdom of God, praying with people, and seeing the world impacted for Jesus Christ. As the Campus Director at UVA, David will be able to continue the work of evangelism, discipleship, and reaching out to the next generation. Thank you for your prayers and support for the Valcich family.
David Valcich’s website:
• Ole Dammegard
Ole will be discussing false flag events tonight.
Ole Dammegård, awarded the Prague Peace Prize, nominated for the Light House Award and adopted by the Apache Nation, is an author, International speaker, raja yoga teacher, award winning artist, former journalist and investigator, who has dedicated the last 30 odd years of his life to researching many of the global conspiracies.
His main focus has been to find out the truth about the assassinations of JFK, the Swedish Prime minister Olof Palme, Robert Kennedy, Martin Luther King, John Lennon and Lady Di, plus the terror attacks of 911, Norway, Oklahoma City and many, many more. He is now considered a leading expert on false flag operations and is believed to have managed to expose and stop several planned massacres. Over the past 35 years, Ole has discovered links between all of these assassinations, which has led him to be-lieve that the same people were involved in both the JFK and Olof Palme murders, as well as many other ma-jor ‘events’. The same Global Elite seem to have used the same skilled mechanics for decades for doing their ‘dirty work’.
He has written the following books:
‘Coup d’etat in Slow Motion’ Part I and II / Statskupp i Slowmotion Del I och II, Shadow of Tears / Likt Tårar i ett Regn, The power book ‘Re-Mind Me’, the children’s book ‘Yolanda Yogapanda – Truth is One, Paths are Many’
and is currently working of the following title; ‘A Global Tour of Terror Part I and II, ‘The Elusive Enigma’ and the book ‘Guilty Victim’. He is also very busy with a series of doc-umentaries aiming at exposing many of the false flag operations that are currently hitting modern society.
Ole has been among the key speakers at many International conferences, including the JFK Conference in Dal-las, Texas, the Quiet Minute on Dealey Plaza on November 22, 2016, outside the Bilderberg Meeting in Den-mark, and has had the privilege of being a special guest on hundreds and hundreds of programs, such as Caravan to Midnight, USA, Buzzsaw, USA, The People’s Voice, UK, The Richie Allen Show, UK, Red Ice Creations (15 hours), Sweden/USA, Project Camelot, USA, Veritas Radio, USA, Anarchast Radio, Mexico, The Real Deal with Prof. Jim Fetzer, USA, No Lies Radio with Dr Kevin Barrett, USA, Super Woo Radio, Australia, Global Peace Radio, UK, Open Your Mind Radio, Ireland, Talk Radio Europe, Spain, Freedom Radio, Denmark, Free-dom Reigns, Australian Phi in the Sky etc. He has also had articles published on prominent websites such as Veterans Today.
Ole Dammegard’s Website: