Brenda Stokes is an Enterprise Architect that found herself engaged in building political media distribution and campaign platforms for candidates. She leverages advanced technology and media distribution to engage with the community to tell the story of how Colorado has been Hijacked by the Gang of Four. Jared Pilis, Timm Gill, Pat Stricker, and Rutt Bridges. They worte the Blue Book tofundamentally change Colorado
Brenda Stokes owns and manages #DecideColorado. It started as a campaign.
When Colorado took a shellacking last November she started as a campaign, coordinated volunteers and with no money or resources, Decide Colorado was formed. Brenda Stokes took it upon herself to keep the message of personal choice, the sanctity of the nuclear family and liberty alive. She posts primairily on Facebook with 4000 followers and growing; the page continues to trend as a source for Aggregated articles specific to Colorao Politics.