Dave Kranzler


Dave Kranzler spent many years working in various analytic jobs and trading on Wall Street. For nine of those years, he traded junk bonds for Bankers Trust. He earned a master’s degree in business administration from the University of Chicago, with a concentration in accounting and finance. Currently he co-manages Golden Returns Capital, a precious metals and mining stock investment fund based in Denver. He writes a blog and offers in-depth, unique research reports to help people understand and analyze what is really going on in our financial system and economy: www.InvestmentResearchDynamics.com

I’ve been an active participant in the financial markets since 1985. Worked on Wall Street for 15 years. Have traded the markets and managed money since then. Co-founded Golden Returns Capital LLC, which manages a physical gold and silver and mining stock hedge fund. Oberlin College, B.A. 1985, University of Chicago, MBA 1991.

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