Doug Hagmann


The Northeast Intelligence Network was formed in response to the attacks of September 11, 2001. In late 2001, Douglas J. Hagmann, a multi-state licensed private investigator with over fifteen years of investigative experience at that time, organized a group of twelve veteran, licensed professional investigators who were at the top of their respective fields. Individually, we felt it was our patriotic duty to provide whatever assistance we could to the various U.S. intelligence agencies, including but not limited to the FBI, the CIA, and the U.S. Department of Justice to identify and potentially stop or mitigate future terrorist attacks.

Nearly everyone within our group lost a friend or colleague on September 11, 2001. Each of us felt an obligation to those who were murdered, as well as to our families, friends and fellow citizens to use our skills to mitigate future attacks. As we each possessed our own skill sets, equipment, contacts, and drive, we believed it was the right thing to do.

What’s in a name?

Our website name (Northeast Intelligence Network) was selected as the majority of our investigative assets were located in the northeast portion of the United States. Additionally, each of our investigators brought with them at least one intelligence contact, thus forming a “network.” Hence, the origin of our name.

The URL ( was chosen with good intent but admittedly, without any thoughtful consideration to history. We wanted an Internet address that would indicate that we were assisting the “good guys” through our actions, although clear enough that it would be readily distinguishable as a private organization and not affiliated with any government agency. Hence the “US” after HomelandSecurity and the “.com” domain. As we became a significant presence on the Internet, for better or worse, we decided to keep the domain name.

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