Paul McGuire Paul McGuire is currently the host of a national and international television program called “Apocalypse and the End Times.” Prior to that, Paul hosted The Paul McGuire Show which was a nationally syndicated radio talk show with a conservative point of view. Guests on McGuire’s program included former President Jimmy Carter, Dr. Tim LaHaye, White House Press Secretary Tony Snow, Senator John McCain, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, PLO leaders and Anne Rice. McGuire is an international speaker who regularly speaks at conferences that average 5,000 people or more. Paul McGuire was one of the first radio talk show hosts in the nation to broadcast his shows in both English and Spanish, in order to reach a large and growing Latino audience in Southern California. Paul McGuire frequently had nationally known attorney’s and legal defense guests on his show including Brad Dacus of the Pacific Justice Institute, the Alliance Defense Fund, and John Whitehead of the Rutherford Institute. In addition, Paul McGuire regularly had high level guests from the Defense Department, Department of State, and the White House on his program. In an effort to be balanced, Paul McGuire often had guests with opposing points of view on the show. Paul McGuire received the distinguished Excellence In Media Award from the Pacific Justice Institute at a ceremony that honored media personalities such as Paul McGuire and Fred Barnes of the Fox News Network. Bibliography Supernatural Faith in the New Age (1987) ISBN 0-88368-200-1 Evangelizing the New Age: The Power of the Gospel Invades the New Age Movement (1989) ISBN 0-89283-633-4 Who Will Rule the Future? (1991) ISBN 0-910311-94-3 The Breakthrough Manual (1993) ISBN 0-88270-658-6 Spirit-Filled Life Kingdom Dynamics Study Guides: People of the Covenant: God’s New Covenant for Today (1994) Spirit-Filled Life Bible Discovery Guides: A Study of the Wilderness Books Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy: Milestones to Maturity (1994) From Earthquakes to Global Unity: The End Times Have Begun (1996) ISBN 1-56384-107-X Countdown to Armageddon (2000) ISBN 0-88419-656-9 “Growing in the Laws of Grace” Are You Ready? The Warning The Day the Dollar Died Are You Ready for the Microchip? WEBSITE: BOOKS WRITTEN:Mass Awakening 2015, Standing Down Goliath 2104, A Prophecy of the Future of America 2014, Are You Ready For the Microchip? 2010, Are You Ready? 2005, The Day the Dollar Died 2009, Countdown To Armageddon: Are we living in the final chapter of the world as we know it? 2000, The Babylon Code: Solving the Bible’s Greatest End-Times Mystery More Books by Paul McGuire Newest book:Mass Awakening 2015 – will be released in October 2015. In Mass Awakening, Paul exposes the Scientific Dictatorship and the plans to bring in a one world system through groups like Bilderberg. The plan is to create a financial crisis with Greece that will sweep through the EU and into America creating bank closings and riots. In Mass Awakening you will discover how events in Russia, America, the EU, Ukraine, Syria, Iran, Israel and China are fulfilling the prophecies of Daniel, Ezekiel, the Apostle Paul and Jesus Christ. It explains how the Bible predicts the final space based war called Armageddon along with the Ezekiel 38 conflict. This book reveals the plan to destroy the U.S. dollar and bring in a world currency and a microchip implant. Paul exposes that the coming global crisis is about to happen that will change Earth and a coming invasion of Israel by the nations of the world who will be defeated. Know how the power of prayer and evangelism can transform nations! F. William Engdahl William Engdahl is an award-winning geopolitical analyst, author, and lecturer. His books have been translated into 14 foreign languages including Chinese, German, Japanese, French, Italian. He grew up in Texas. After earning a degree in politics from Princeton University, and graduate study in economics at Stockholm University, he worked as an economist and investigative journalist in the USA and Europe. He was Visiting Professor at Beijing University of Chemical Technology 2008-2009, and frequently delivers talks on economics and politics with focus on geopolitical events. Seeds of Destruction: The Hidden Agenda of Genetic Manipulation A Century of War: Anglo-American Oil Politics and the New World Order Gods of Money: Wall Street and the Death of the American Century