John Massaria
Activist and film maker, All aspects of production and editing; short films, interviews, music videos and professional audio engineering on location. Video Production and Editing with Grammy Award Winners like Angela Hunte, and singer and song writers Andrea Monica Martin, Doxi Jones, as well as many others in the music business. Filmed all day live events such as Liberty Fest 2014, 2015 for Next News Network. Full featured documentary with world renowned artist Anthony Freda. Filmed/produced interviews with Peter Kuper (Spy vs Spy artist), Gerald Celente from Trends Journal. Filmed/DP of an 6 hour interview with NSA whistle blower William Binney for Tragedy and Hope Magazine with Richard Grove. Edited/composed videos with Dr.Paul Craig Roberts and Patrick Wood. Produced videos for Dane Wigington, Russ Taner, and TMR Radio UK. Most recent work includes Seal Team Six documentary of Extortion 17, and video & audio interviews with Michael K. Williams (The Wire, Boardwalk Empire, Kill The Messenger). Currently working on “I Love My Country But Hate What They Are Doing part 2” featuring features prominent Swiss historian and researcher Dr. Daniele Ganser, Tommy Hansen, Gerald Celente, Anthony Freda, Ken O’Keefe, Gary Franchi, Ray McGovern and Joe Rogan. notable works: “Thought Crimes Of Anthony Freda”, “9-11 Museum NYC Accepts Truther Art Into Permanent Collection”, “Patrick Woods Series”, “NSA Whistleblower William Binney: The Future of FREEDOM”, “Follow The Money- Plausible Deniably Denied” and video interviews with NIST Whsitleblower Peter Ketcham for A&E for 911 Truth. Currently Executive Producer on “Rogue Narc”- the story of DEA “Kiki” Camarena and Hector Berrellez and unraveling the CIA/DEA Double Agent Operations called Operation Two Fold and the CIA involvement with drug running and drug operations never published before.