Written Material
Commentaries Published: Fed.Agency Harms Children/Violates Rts of Christians-SAMSHA
Conversation/Reparative Therapy
Affirmation Therapy-Gender Transitioning
When the State refuses to protect Life
When the StateKills-Alfie
Minnesota ‘Nice’
No Justice for Justine
Three Conservative Speech Venues shut down in Wisconsin
First Amendment Freedoms Under Attack
Assault on our First Freedoms
Sing a little Louder, Churches!
Turkish Ottoman Caliphate Resurrected
Sharia-lite for American Women
American Feminists Partnering with Islam to Bring Sharia to America
The Marriage of Female Islamists and Marxist Movement
Why the Intentional Non-Assimilation of Muslim Refugees
Huma Abedin’s Ties to the MuslimBrotherhood and their influence of U.S. domestic and foreign Policy
Contending for the Faith
Karen Mueller
Karen Mueller is a Christian Attorney. She is a wife, mother and grandmother. She is active politically, legislatively and legally.
Her main practice areas involve Sanctity of Life issues, Religious Freedom, Freedom of Speech, Right of Conscience and other Civil and constutitional rights as they extend into the work place or the world in general.
She is a commentator/writer and a speaker on topics such as the Refugee Resettlement Crisis in America; The Muslim Brotherhood’s Civilization Jihad-Intheir Own Words through the “Explanatory Memorandum”; Organ harvesting from the unborn; Abortion; Gender Transitioning and the Use of Puberty Blocking Hormone and the dangers; The indoctrination of Children in schools, public libraries and colleges.