Mary Tacco
Mary Tocco has been in the natural health care field for over 40 years and spent many years working in the holistic, functional medicine and chiropractic health field. Mary is working as a natural health advocate for people who want to improve their health by consultation.
Mary is the Vice President for the Foundation for Pediatric Health (501c3), co-founder of the American Chiropractic Autism Board (ACAB) 2006, helped manage Hope For Autism, (HFA) a training program for physicians who want to help children with autism recover. She was the Director of Vaccine Research and Education for Michigan for Vaccine Choice, a non-profit (501c) watchdog group, insuring vaccine choice in Michigan until December 2016. Mary Tocco is on the Board of Directors for WAVE, World Association for Vaccine Education (www.novaccine.com)
Mary was the radio host of, “Healing Our World”, Republic Broadcasting Network Internet and satellite station from 2010 through 2014 and produced over 250 programs. The program focused on various things in the world making people sick, natural healing methods addressing those issues and empowering people to make a difference in their health.
Mary was married to chiropractor Sam Tocco of Clarkston, Michigan for 24 years and they have 5 healthy non-vaccinated children and 9 non-vaccinated grandchildren. Before having their first child 40 years ago, they had the opportunity to research childhood vaccines. There was enough evidence back then to convince them to avoid vaccines for their children. Mary has now spent thousands of hours sifting through studies and journal articles and presents compelling evidence that vaccines are a “medical assault” on the human body. She has dedicated her adult life to learning, has attended numerous chiropractic seminars, holistic conferences, functional medicine conferences as well as vaccine and autism conferences around the country.
In 1994, a bill was introduced in Michigan, which threatened to remove the “Philosophical Exemption” to waive vaccines. Mary was very concerned for the families in her state and got involved with Michigan Opposing Mandatory Vaccines (MOM), a non-profit organization dedicated to preserving the right of parents to waive vaccines if they choose. She testified before the government health policy committee as to why this bill should not pass. The group successfully stopped the bill from passing and to date; Michigan is one of about 15 states that still have the philosophical exemption.
That was the beginning of a dedicated, passionate career of educating and reaching out to parents around the country. Mary has been sharing and encouraging parents to be proactive in the health of their family, utilizing natural, holistic and health promoting ideas for raising their children. She had four of her five children born at home with midwives, promotes breastfeeding, attachment parenting and an active healthy lifestyle supports home education and is a dedicated Christian. She founded the Precious Health Campaign to help reach parents across America so that they too would have the same opportunity for healthy families.
Mary speaks around the US and Canada and does radio interviews often. She is on a passionate mission to reach parents and physicians with the truth about vaccine toxicity and injury. Please invite Mary to speak at your next conference. Her lecture does apply for accreditation for continuing education. Her energetic speaking style will make it a memorable event for all!