Mike Rothmiller
LAPD retired
If we to combine the content of; LA Confidential, Mullholland Falls, The Black Dahlia, The Manson Murders and a host of other legendary true crimes and cinematic fictions, we’d still fall short of the real-life experience and chronicles of Mike Rothmiller. His career as a police detective within LAPD’s “secret police” also know by various name such as the Reds Squad, The Hat Squad, OCID and LAPD Confidential Intelligence revealed a world of dangerous secrets, corruption so vast he has yet to cover all the bases despite writing 12 books.
Mike has also worked as a on air personality for ESPN & as an executive with Sony Corporation.
Mike’s career and information resources reach back to a time and a place where reports were filed on a Smith Corona typewriter, filed in a manila folder and indexed on cards like we’d once see at the library. Various legendary chiefs of police kept their own secretive files on certain celebrities, gangsters and persons of interest in this old school, hack proof form and secured within their own personal office safes.