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The “Venus Rising” Trilogy:
1) Venus Rising: A Concise History of the Second Planet

2) Final Countdown: Rockets to Venus

3) Cosmic Ray’s Excellent Venus Adventure

Raymond Keller


Dr. Raymond A. Keller, II, a retired history professor, has lived and worked in 44 different countries and has been writing about UFOs and paranormal activity since 1967. He received his doctoral degree from West Virginia University in 2011, focusing on various aspects of the Basque settlement of Venezuela; and his master’s degree from the same institution in 2004, majoring in foreign language with an emphasis on magic realism in Latin American literature.

The Venus Collection: The first book, Venus Rising, details the interactions over countless millennia of varied intelligences from the planet Venus with the inhabitants of Earth.  The second book, Rockets to Venus, explores the origins of the atomic and space ages and the rush by sundry nations to send probes to our sister planet and garner information about the advanced civilizations that exist there, beneath the dense cloud layers.  And the third and latest book, Cosmic Ray’s Excellent Venus Adventure, continues with contemporary and personal accounts of Venusians clandestinely carrying out their missions of peace here on our planet.

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