Reba Sherrill


Reba Sherrill is running for Congress in President Trump’s home district! She is fighting for Healthcare, Education, Homelessness, Gun Rights and Guardianship Abuse. As a mom, she has traveled extensively and worked with people on every continent with the exception of Antarctica. She is tenacious and ready to work for the citizens of Fl-21!

Bon in Nashville Tennessee and raised by a Korean War Vet. Grew up on a farm and raised me to be a Patriot and learned the advantages of organic gardening and subsequent prepper. I have always known about child sex trafficking since I was a wee child. At the age of two I made a vow that I would never touch alcohol or tobacco. Since the age of six I have been a label reader. I have avoided chemicals for over 30 years. I am well versed and quite experienced globally on nearly every topic. I have worked with heads of state, royalty, as well as homeless and ditch diggers and everything in between. Three main subjects have dominated my life and have been the focus of my teaching: 1 Bible/Torah, 2 Health/Wellness, 3 Agriculture. I am on a mission to change the world and make it a better place. I cannot be bought. I will not be intimidated. I have already fought many battles and won. We need elected officials in DC who truly care about the citizens and not just their pocketbook. I have formed a Wellness Task Force whose focus is to revamp our entire healthcare industry and make it Wellness focused. Families need to understand what causes disease and illness and how to reverse it. Allow me to restore your WOW, Wealth Opportunity Wellness. These things have been stolen from us by the Deep State, through Fraud and Corruption. We must drain the swamp in 2020 by electing real Patriots, or we will lose our country. Our very life depends upon it.

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