Steven Kaasgaard
I have been sending out a WORLD NUCLEAR EMERGENCY ALERT ABOUT THE FUKUSHIMA DISASTER since March 11, 2011. This disaster triggered my long held concerns about nuclear technology and its detrimental impact upon life around the globe. The reaction that it takes to make nuclear happen, splitting the atom in order to boil water – is a silly human trick that happens nowhere else in the universe except here. And now we know why … A dirty source of energy such as coal creates pollution, it is harmful, but nuclear can be the end game for the concept of man surviving on his own in nature, without the aid of technology to make the world hospitable enough for life to go on. The Fukushima disaster has put the concept of man in nature at risk. You can build the best bunker in the universe, but if you can’t grow anything because all of the micro-organisms in the soil are dead, then you are essentially dead.
I have worked on environmental issues in Ontario, Canada since 1979. In 1983, I worked with friends and relatives to bring people together to form what we believe became the Green Party of Canada. I believe I am the ‘officially unrecognized’ founder of this political party, but have long since parted ways with the party itself. However, I have lived by and remained committed to the founding principles of the Green Party platform, which included no compromise on nuclear.
“We don’t inherit the earth from our parents we borrow it from our children.” And “Think globally act locally” sayings that the inspired much of the original Green Party platform.
In the 1980s I was labelled as a professional protester, because I used direct action to close down a toxic land fill site. These actions had a detrimental effect on my career aspirations. I stood for a worthy cause in order to protect ‘the freshest water in the world’, and made people aware of what was underway.
In 2006, while trying to stop the advance of urban sprawl I presented a plate with a brick on it along with a knife and a fork to the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB), which makes all of the significant decisions about development in this province. I was warning them that you can’t eat bricks, and that is all that would be left to eat if they didn’t stop the onward surge of housing developments.
Southern Ontario is under intense development, and beneath row after endless row of cookie cutter housing developments, sits a large percentage of Canada’s best class 1, 2 and 3 farmlands. I have been fighting the battle against the endless growth agenda since 1979, and it has only become more intense as the decades pass. The town I was born in , but no longer live in, Brampton, Ontario is a perfect example of how destructive the growth agenda is, and how this agenda has not only wiped out precious farm land, but changed the cultural and social fabric of the nation forever.
In 2005, I attended Canada’s Federal Labor Standards Review, as a member of the Collective of the Canadian Working Poor, and spoke about the critical importance of focusing on job creation for all Canadians and not just niche groups of people. More than 11 years later, massive joblessness amongst the Canadian working class is coming to fruition.
We don’t have a Donald Trump type of politician promising to bring back good jobs to Canada’s working class, and from my perspective the working class is demoralized and increasingly mired in massive mortgages and debt.