How do you prepare a home and family against long-term power outages, cunning criminals, future wars and nuclear fallout? While most Americans are building large homes to impress the neighbors, you could be building an energy efficient, low-profile house with backup solar power, generators, fuel storage, high-security doors, wood heat and unique security spaces. Joel Skousen is a pioneer in this field of self-sufficient, high-security retreats and has over 45 years experience designing houses with innovative aspects of energy efficiency and protection, together with his son Andrew, a structural engineer. The Secure Home is a comprehensive “How To” manual that covers every aspect of securing your home, including high security construction techniques for walls, windows and doors. It will take you through the planning stages of designing a secure home from the ground up, and includes an extensive section on how to remodel an existing home for security. The book covers all the types of mechanical systems, including alternative equipment for heating, cooling, and power generation, using multiple sources—wood, water, wind, solar, and various types of combustible fuel. This new 4th edition is a complete textual update and contains all the latest technology on solar systems and lithium-ion batteries, which now more than ever, lends itself to self-consumption of solar power within the home rather than selling it all back to the grid at a steep discount and buying it back at retail prices. Whether you are looking to build your own home or remodel an existing one with preparations for realistic threats including earthquakes, crime, war and fallout, the 4th Edition of the Secure Home can show you how and help you implement it all.