Category: Recently Featured Guests

Celeste Solum
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Celeste Solum

Websites Episodes EPISODE 1764 EPISODE 1989 Written Material Electromagnetic Radiation Protection Solutions for the Nuclear and Cosmic Superstorm

Travis Maddox
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Travis Maddox

Travis lives with his wife and children on a remote homestead in the Missouri Ozarks that he and his wife built themselves.

Maxine Albert
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Maxine Albert

Curtis Ellis was her husband. Maxine Albert was a columnist for Elle Magazine, a leading public speaking consultant who has worked with political leaders and candidates

Geoff Shepard
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Geoff Shepard

Geoff came to Washington, DC in 1969 as a White House Fellow, after graduating from Whittier College and Harvard Law School.

Machael Gary
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Major Machael Gary

Websites Episodes EPISODE 1979 Major Machael Gary Biography: Major Michael Gary CBRN expert with 15 years experience in CBRN,

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Todd A. McKinley

Todd was born and raised in Kingsport, Tennessee, where he was active in Church, participated in school functions, boy scouts, and especially enjoyed playing sports

David M. Zuniga
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David M. Zuniga

Websites Twitter: @DavidMZuniga Episodes EPISODE 1970 David M. Zuniga Biography: Believing that the Internet gives Americans an opportunity

Jason Shurka
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Jason Shurka

The words “trust the science” and “follow the science” may be dubiously familiar phrases to many. Just exactly what did these flippant tag lines mean?

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Dr. Sandra Rose Michael

Hon. Dr. Sandra Rose Michael, DNM, PhD, DCSJ – Inventor, Researcher, Professor – Applied Integrative Biophysics

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Riekie Erasmus

Riekie Erasmus has been practising as an attorney since 1995. In July 1997, Riekie started her own practise and has been independant since then.